Chris has done hundreds of video swim analyses, all based off of the Swim Smooth methodology developed by Paul Newsome. Our clients discover what limits their development in the water, making gains faster than simply slogging through thousands of yards. We meet you to capture the footage of you swimming and then take it away for analysis (alternatively, you can also capture your own footage and send it to us). We create a video that looks at every angle of your swim stroke, a list of drills to speak to your individual swimming needs, suggestions for improvement, and four workouts that you can do on your own. Want to see the final product? Check out one of our completed analyses here.
Chris has done hundreds of video swim analyses, all based off of the Swim Smooth methodology developed by Paul Newsome. Our clients discover what limits their development in the water, making gains faster than simply slogging through thousands of yards. We meet you to capture the footage of you swimming and then take it away for analysis (alternatively, you can also capture your own footage and send it to us). We create a video that looks at every angle of your swim stroke, a list of drills to speak to your individual swimming needs, suggestions for improvement, and four workouts that you can do on your own. Want to see the final product? Check out one of our completed analyses here.