Video Capture of your stroke
Too many athletes do the same workouts, over and over, mindlessly doing drills without knowing the possible benefits, and simply repeating plans filched from YouTube (where swim technique goes to die). Swimming is so technical, and so personal, that an analysis of what YOU do is crucial to actually making improvements.
Video Analysis for later review
Your coach will walk through the video, commenting on your strengths and weaknesses as a swimmer, identifying limiting factors and outlining a strategy for improvement. The finished product will have video of you, video of elite swimmers providing the hoped-for outcome, and example drills with our explanation so you can review and practice on your own. Videos will:
Identify your particular swim “type”
Illustrate where and how your technique is holding you back
What the eventual outcome looks like
Drill videos tailored for you and your individual stroke
Stroke correction
Finally, your coach will run through the drills and corrections you need to start swimming faster, more efficiently, or both (the ideal outcome!). You will get an email with your video, the drills that will help you the most, a guide to your “swim type,” and suggestions for future improvement.